I finished the biography about Harriet Tubman called “Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad” by David A. Adler. Harriet Tubman to me is a very inspiring woman who lived her life to help others. She was born as a slave and remained one until she was about 28, after her owner died, she was scared to be sold and ran off to the south. She moved to Canada and wanted to go back to Maryland where she came from with the intention to bring her husband with her to Canada, when she reached he told her he married someone else. Instead of bringing her husband she brought back several slaves via the Underground Railroad that was pretty much a route where on the way there were houses that would host and feed the slaves and then bring them to the next stop by train. After bringing people back repeatedly she became an Underground Railroad conductor that made sure people stayed independent after their escape of slavery. A few years later the Civil War began which was all about slavery. Harriet Tubman was already known by that time because of all the slaves she helped, she wanted the black people to help fight so that slavery would stop but only white men were allowed to fight. Harriet Tubman did a lot of things to help in the war, she made bread and provided root beer to sell to the soldiers and got a lot of people to join her in this. She was also a nurse and disinfected the wounds of the soldiers and cared for them. She did those 2 jobs all day long for a long time. When the war was over and the slaves had achieved no slavery, she continued leading slaves and family to freedom. When she hears her former husband dies, she decides to remarry a man called Nelson Davis. They adopt a daughter but about her is nothing known. When her husband dies she sets up a house for the aged, sick and homeless people. Queen Victoria rewards Harriet Tubman by giving her a medal. Three years after “The Harriet Tubman Home for Aged and Infirm Negroes” opens, she moves in herself because she is sick. She lives for two more years but then dies because of pneumonia.

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