We finished our unit of power and leadership today by submitting our essay on turnitin and writing our reflection. We have worked since the beginning of the year towards writing the essay that summed up all of our gained knowledge about the unit of power and leadership.


Connect- How was this unit connected to what you already knew?

Before this unit I had never really thought about power and leadership as it is not a thing that you would normally start thinking about or I am particularly interested in. I did have a main idea and knew that world leaders had loads of power over the world but also were really good leaders because otherwise they wouldn’t have gained so much power.


Extend- What extended your knowledge?

To see how much power some people have but for what purpose they use it, most good leaders use their power well but there are good leaders that become corrupt with the power they have and thus use it badly.


Challenge- What challenged you? What did you find difficult? Did this unit affect your thinking in any way?

The first challenge I had to face was to read Lord of the Flies, I love reading when it is my own choice and I can choose which book to read and read whenever I feel like it, but I really don’t like to read any books for school. Lord of the Flies seemed like a quite interesting book but after reading it for a while I became to think of it as a boring book and was unable to actually see the meaning behind the events in the book. This unit did affect my thinking because before I didn’t really think about power and leadership at all but now when a big event happens in the world I see how it is related to people wanting power or people having power but using it badly.

power and leadership quote

I am relieved our unit has finished because it was quite some work and I am happy that we can start a new unit now.

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