In Language Arts, we are doing a unit about power and leadership. For this unit we are acquired to read one novel and one biography, we also have to watch two movies. For the novel I chose to read “Lord of the Flies” written by William Golding. I have only read the first few chapters but I already have a pretty good impression of what the book is about. I don’t know which biography I am going to read because none of the biographies we have to choose out of seem to interest me. I will also decide the movies I will watch later.


In “Lord of the Flies” a plane has crashed full of young boys on an island. The main character Ralph gets the boys to all come to him and another boy he met on the island. After a while Ralph becomes the leader of the whole group of boys and helps them surviving on the island. They try to get attention of people who pass with boats but nobody passes. They also collect food and make shelters for everyone to be safe. I think it is a good book because it shows how Ralph is not perfect and doesn’t always make the best decisions but he does take the responsibility to take care of the little children.

One thought on “Power and Leadership: Lord of the Flies

  1. Hi Margot. If none of the biographies on the list appeal to you, you can have a look through the biographies in the library and choose another leader to use as your supplemental text. It’s important that you read a whole biography as that’s one of the text types you need to engage with. Just researching a leader on the internet does not give you same information and experience that a full biography does.

    Do you think that, despite the imperfection you mention, Ralph is a good leader because of the way of takes care of others, even though he makes some bad decisions? Try to connect your reading to the ideas that we are exploring in our discussions in class so that you can see how all the threads pull together as this will help you formulate your research question and make your project successful and meaningful.

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